Devlog - 10: Walls

Devlog - 10: Walls

Walls were something I wanted to add in for a while, but I knew they'd be troublesome in many ways.

A bit of a reminder on how the building system works: you build cubes -> you detect a pattern -> select appropriate building -> cubes turn into that building.

Now walls were a bit of a special case as by itself a wall is a 1x1 tile. But that would be so ridiculously not user friendly to have to detect one tile by one tile and turn them into walls. So I introduced special buildings into the system that have special handlers both for pattern detection and building in general.

With that in place I was able to add more patterns (e.g. 1x4) as a wall as well, and actually building that one by one was handled by the system. Same interface, same choices, just a different outcome and the user uses the same things he's familiar with.

You can see the end result in the gif below.

Final thing that I had to think about was connecting walls together when they're nearby. I didn't want to draw that many art to cover all cases so walls connect with each other sequentially over time instead of all at once.

I also wanted to give them a look of a one whole so when they connect, their animations synchronize.

That's all for this time :)

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