1 - Journey so far

Devlog 1 - Journey so far

In this devlog I just want to give an overview of what's been done so far by going over all features currently implemented in some form.


In the game there are two factions, I don't have exact names for them, but one is made out of machines with a cube form, while the other is made out of machines with a pyramid form.

All things in the game have a faction assigned, and each faction has a "base" building block.


With the base building block, factions can build buildings. This is not as straightforward, since to make a building you have to build those basic blocks in a specific pattern. For example the pattern below when selected and processed with the detection, turns into the building right below the pattern.

Now, with these two mechanics, I plan to create a unique way of building up your base. You can place your buildings in all kinds of positions and places.


This is an aspect of the game I consider somewhat unique. I doubt I'm the first one to have thought of it. Anyway, influence is actually the most important part of the game. You build things on a grid, and the first block you place spreads your influence.

Influence bends and assimilates the world to your faction and your machines, turning the ground and everything around you harvestable for resources.

Here's a small preview of the influence (behind the block)

This influence will be the only place where you'll be able to build, so to spread it is essential. Besides that harvestable resources will spawn within the influence grid, and all other environment props will turn to harvestable resources once under enough influence.

In general, the more influence you have, the greater amount of resources and territory you control.

Of course you're not the only one with this, as the enemy faction also has it's own influence.

Other mechanics and interaction with influence is still something I'm thinking about. For example: if units will take constant damage under enemy influence, how the two different influences will interact with each other when they meet, would influence provide buffs if high enough, some buildings could require high influence to build, and so on. There's a lot of fun stuff that can happen with this I just have to experiment and think about it all.


There is only one resource available for each faction. Their building block. It spawns on the influence grid and is harvested by harvesters. Everything you build or do, will be using this one singular resource.

It will spawn on the influence grid, with a higher chance of spawning away from your buildings and other deposits. This is also that's still in the works, but the general idea is here.


There's also a basic UI and some QoL features in place to make the whole building process smooth and easy to use. However, I'll leave this and other details for other devlogs.

Thank you for reading and see you all again soon! :)

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